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Need to brush up on your writing skills? Explore the Coffeehouse and train your brain! Our affordable four-week workshops are just the thing to provide education, motivation, and even inspiration. (Our students often report a renewed urge to write.) Visit our workshop page for details, and be sure to read our frequently asked questions for complete details.

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You know that little horned devil who sometimes perches on your shoulder and tries to tell you that you're incapable of writing a coherent sentence? We call him the Editor Demon. We've devised a monthly quiz to help you learn to defeat him. Go ahead, tell him why it's okay to start a sentence with a conjunction. And mean it!

Do your friends and relatives really give you an honest opinion of your writing? We didn't think so. When you're ready to join a serious, down-to-business peer critique group, look to the Coffeehouse Select Critique Forum. Writer-to-writer, you'll get objective advice on how to improve your work. And the best thing? You'll never have to hear another person say, "Well, I think your story
is very

Can a writer read too many books on writing? Sure, because reading books takes you away from the actual process of writing. Writers need education, but you don't have time to read anything but the best books on writing. That's what you'll find in our online bookstore.

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