Don't Get Lost!!
Carol Lindsay

You may have noticed that the Fiction Fix newsletters have been erratic of late.  We are trying to move the mailing list to a new, less expensive, more user-friendly provider.

The process has been awful - there are 10,000 of you!  It seems that some of our subscriber addresses have simply disappeared - a nightmare from where I sit.

To ensure that you continue to receive Fiction Fix, please go to the subscription page and enter your e-mail address. 

For the next three months, we will be sending Fiction Fix using both addresses so please forgive us for duplicates.

Beginning in September we will be sending Fiction Fix using only the new provider. so please sign up soon!

Thank you from all of us here at Fiction Fix!

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About the Writer:

Carol Lindsay is the site administrator of Coffeehouse for Writers.  She also makes her living as a technical and freelance writer.