English Grammar Review

Even the best writer needs a basic grammar review once in a while. This month-long course  reviews new trends in basic grammar and English usage with an emphasis on recognizing mistakes in the writing of others rather than creating original work. It also deals with the process of proofreading and how it can enhance the quality control of a writer's work.

Facilitator:  Bob Brooke
E-mail: [email protected]

Week 1: What is good English? Written English vs. spoken English, the levels of usage and the importance of good usage. Capitalization and punctuation.

Week 2: Parts of speech.

Week 3: The complete sentence.

Week 4:  Effective paragraphs.

Objective: To refresh the writer's understanding of the basics of good grammar in English composition and speech.

Required materials: None

About the Facilitator, Bob Brooke: 

Bob Brook has been working full-time as a writer for the last 16 years. He has developed and taught a number of writing courses in adult education. To date, he's developed 40 courses and seminars in all genres. Bob has his M.A. from New York University.

Next workshop begins January 8, 2001      Workshop fee: $50
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