Opportunities At Coffeehouse for Writers
Online Writing Workshop Facilitators

Want to be part of a dynamic and always-evolving team of talented writers and educators? How about advancing your writing career and visibility by becoming a vital part of a growing, high-profile writing website? We've got a gig for you!

Our ideal candidate . . .

  • is a published author with recognizable achievements in the field of writing, journalism, or education. You don't necessarily have to have a college degree in writing, but you should have some writing accomplishments to demonstrate your abilities.

  • has excellent writing skills. This means firm knowledge of grammar and punctuation, a friendly relationship with your word processor and email spellchecker, and the ability to communicate clearly and professionally.

  • upholds a high degree of professionalism. Our assistants and moderators don't end every sentence with multiple exclamation points and smiley emoticons. They communicate with a voice of authority, but they're not authoritarians or dictators. They realize that they are speaking for Coffeehouse for Writers, and conduct themselves accordingly.

  • Understands electronic communications and email lists. If you don't know your way around the Web, email still baffles you, and mailing lists (particularly through eGroups.com) are a mystery, you're probably not the candidate we're looking for. Our ideal candidate has been on the Web for a year (or more) and can function without training wheels.
We are looking for a few talented individuals to develop and facilitate the following courses:
  • Plotting In Fiction
  • Marketing Your Short Fiction
  • Writing the Novel Proposal
  • Grammar 101

We are not currently seeking proposals for courses other than those listed above. These courses should  be 4-week offerings. Workshop Facilitators are paid on a commission basis for developing and leading their workshops. (You own your workshop materials once you've created them.)  Only experienced writers should apply. Educational or leadership experience is a definite plus.

For detailed information by autoresponder, send email to:
[email protected]

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