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What a terrific opportunity to work with an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, down-to-business writer and educator! I learned more in this workshop than I have in 2 years of studying the craft on my own. I'm inspired!

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Advanced Grant Writing
Making Money Writing Grants

Facilitator: Karen Hodge

Take the mystery out of proposal writing! Grant writing is a skill that can be learned and enhanced through practice. This hands-on workshop is designed for the beginning grant writer who has had some training or experience in writing and submitting proposals and is looking to build upon that foundation to improve competence (see prerequisite).

Week 1: Writing A Compelling Need Statement

Week 2: Drafting Your Plan—goals, objectives, and methods; Evaluating Your Project

Week 3: Constructing Your Budget ; Organizational Background—showing why your organization is worthy of funding

Week 4: Introducing Your Proposal; The Executive Summary—making your case in a page or less

Course Objective: Participants in this workshop will put the knowledge they have gained through experience or prior training to complete a first draft of a grant proposal.

Required Materials: Grantseeker’s Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Funding, by Cheryl Carter New and James Aaron Quick, available through Amazon.com.

Prerequisite: Completion of Writing for Dollars: Making Money Writing Grants or experience writing and submitting grant proposals .

About the Facilitator: Karen Hodge has been a professional educator and writer for more than 15 years. She has taught communication courses on the college level and facilitated numerous seminars on a variety of topics, including public speaking, time management, personal development, and self-esteem building. Her writing skills include grant proposals (that have garnered more than $11,000,000 over the past decade), news and feature stories for magazines and newsletters, and promotional materials. In addition, she has provided resume writing services to dozens of individuals, helping them secure jobs that ranged from entry to executive levels. Check out her website (www.brokenlocket.com) or email her at [email protected].

Workshop Begins: November 15th
Duration: 4 weeks  

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Books recommended on this page are not required reading for participation in the course.

Grantseeker's Toolkit
by Cheryl Carter New and James Aaron Quick

Grants are a key source of support for most nonprofit organizations, particularly new organizations or those starting new programs. This guide, developed out of a series of seminars, helps grantseekers develop a strategic plan for finding funds for their programs. It outlines how to develop a program that will receive funding and provides the best methods for writing a grant proposal.

Demystifying Grant Seeking
by Larissa Golden Brown and Martin John Brown

A practical, hands-on— and most importantly, realistic— guide to the entire grantsmanship process. Unlike so many how-to guidebooks which promise what they cannot deliver, while propagating the myth that successful grants require nothing more than a 'winning proposal', Demystifying Grant Seeking correctly places the proposal in its proper context alongside the 'other 90 percent of the process' that funders truly consider.

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